KCC Action Alerts
Actions To Take NOW
You may take action on any bills on our House and Senate lists, however the bills below are ones we have identified for special attention for immediate action.
Legislative Message Line: 1-800-372-7181
The line is open from 7AM-6PM Monday through Friday. You may leave a message for any lawmaker. You may also email individual lawmakers by using this link to a full email directory.
Senate Bill 89: (KCC Strong Oppose). Veto message here. Limits the definition of "water" or "waters of the Commonwealth" to "waters of the U.S." as opposed to its current definition which includes all surface and groundwater. Delivered to the Governor on 3/13, Vetoed 3/25.
Make a personal ask of your Representative and Senator and ask them to “uphold the veto.”
And then THANK the Governor for his Veto!
Other Key Bills to Ask the Governor to VETO:
House Bill 775 (KCC Oppose) A multi-issue bill where among its provisions, includes incentives that support future resort development adjacent to the Red River Gorge, creates statewide tax breaks for data centers, makes it easier for lawmakers to reduce the personal income tax in the future, .and also includes statements of support for “alternative" fuels including ethanol, soybean-derived biodiesel and other fuels. More here. Delivered to the Governor on 3/14.
More Bills Vetoed- Thanks to you and the Governor- NOW ASK LAWMAKERS TO UPHOLD THE VETO on these bills too
These are bills we have been watching that have been vetoed. Be sure and thank the Governor for his actions, and then contact the House and Senate to “uphold the veto.”
House Bill 6 (KCC Oppose) Administrative Regulations. Full veto message here. Excerpt of the Governor’s Veto message: “…House Bill 6 is unconstitutional in both its purpose and action….House Bill 6 interferes with that constitutional duty by first eliminating the executive power to issue administrative regulations…”
House Bill 216 (KCC Monitor) Veto message here. Excerpt of the Governor’s Veto message: “…House Bill 216 allows conduct that has always been unethical and unlawful under the Executive Branch Ethics Code. In two separate Advisory Opinions issued to the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, the Executive Branch Ethics Commission has confirmed that KRS I IA.040(4) prohibits executive branch employees from accepting grants and loans from a program run by the agency they workfor. 1 For good reason, this rule applies to all executive branch agencies and employees…”
House Bill 399 (KCC Oppose) Veto Message here. Creates the crime of interference with a legislative proceeding. Delivered to the Governor on 3/13. VETOED 3/25. “House Bill 399 is unnecessary because the conduct it makes criminal is already covered by the crimes of disorderly conduct and harassment. House Bill 399 raises the risk of being used to silence lawful First Amendment conduct and hide what the state government is doing from the people who it is supposed to be working for.”
Senate Bill 84 (KCC Oppose) Relating to judicial review of state agency actions. Veto message here. Excerpt of the Governor’s Veto message: “…Senate Bill 84 is unconstitutional by telling the judiciary what standard of review it must apply to legal cases. The bill therefore violates the separation of powers….”
Senate Bill 245 (KCC Oppose) An act relating to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission and declaring an emergency. Veto message here. Excerpt of the Governor’s Veto message: “…Senate Bill 245 prevents Commission members who are reappointed from being able to serve without Senate confirmation. This legislative game-playing is not what the sportsmen and sportswomen of Kentucky deserve. They recommend appointments and reappointments, and Commission members are accountable to them, but the Senate's paltern of denying confirmation of the members they select shows the legislature is deferring to someone besides the sportsmen and sportswomen…”