House Bills 2025

KCC’s Environmental Review of Key House Bills

House Bill Positions reviewed by KCC as of 3/17/2025. Bills that are ranked as “Strong Support” or “Strong Oppose” will have the highest attention from KCC lobbyists for direct action. Bills ranked as “Monitor” means that we will continue to review these bills for any consequences that may not yet be fully apparent, but wish to inform the public that these issues are being debated due to their subject matter. If you wish to engage directly with KCC on any of the bills below, please email us. This list with KCC recommendations is regularly sent to every legislator in the House and Senate during the session. 

Please call the legislative message line at 1-800-372-7181 (Monday-Friday 7AM-6PM) to express your views on these bills. You may also email your legislators if the phone lines are closed.