Opportunities to work with us
Join Our Team!
Whatever your background, by joining together, we can ensure that every community can protect our air and land for generations to come. The goal of KCC is to provide a voice for a wide coalition of concerned nonprofits, grassroots citizen groups and individuals working for land conservation, water quality, biodiversity, sustainability, clean energy and climate change. We welcome your participation! See our opportunities below.
Volunteer Opportunities: You can volunteer a few days a month, weekly hours, or whatever fits your schedule. We are stronger when we partner with a wide range of talent and experiences within our community, and welcome any time and talents you can offer. See opportunities below.
Internships: Interns who work with us receive real-world experience in a wide range of important environmental and sustainability issues and many have gone on to rewarding careers in this profession. We can customize a schedule and project focus area that can match your career needs and goals.
Some of our opportunity areas include:
Event Support/KCC Ambassador: KCC travels around the state to engage with the public during community events, festivals, and other tabling opportunities. Volunteers are needed to help staff our information tables at events and engage the public in our work. We also appreciate the help of volunteers who are interested in assisting us with organizing lobby days and environmental education events, as well as provide logistical support for issue teams. We can provide opportunities that match your talents and availability.
Policy Research: KCC works on a wide range of sustainability issues—including land conservation, climate change, biodiversity, clean energy and more. To provide these services, we often draw on the talents of our community of issue experts to help us stay current. If you have an area of expertise to share, or you want to work with us to learn together, we would love to have your time and energy.
Legislative/Legal: We welcome assistance to support our legislative analysis, legislative strategy, issue briefs, bill monitoring, legislative agent representation, and legislative training.
Use the form below to contact us, or email director@kyconservation.org about any of these opportunities.
Contact us
If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed above, fill out the form below and we will get back with you!.