Legislative Resources 2025 Session
Video Examples:
Explain your issue
In the above video, KCC Board member Rachel Norton details important talking points relating to House Bill 180, from the 2024 session dealing with utility disconnections.
You may approach your legislators by phone, email, social media, and in person. And we hope these examples will show you ways to make your “ask”
When you cannot meet in person. Reaching out via short videos that you can shoot on your own cell phone and send in an email link is a great option if you want to get attention or show legislators a particular place that would be affected by specific legislation. In the example above (Not a current bill number), we are lobbying for adequate funding of the Heritage Land Conservation Fund, while showing the kinds of lands that these funds have protected. We suggest that all videos, particularly longer videos such as this one, are sent as links rather than attachments in order to avoid any security screening within email servers.
In the above example (not a current bill), Benjamin Knoll (former KCC President) demonstrates how to appeal to your legislator on a voting rights bill. He mentions his legislator (Rep. Elliot), mentions that he is a constituent, and is prepared with the bill number and what it does. He also mentions why it is important to him and what position he is asking his legislator to take.
Thanking Your Legislator. It is very important to regularly thank your legislator when they do the right thing. Even though Nat, in the example above, did not mention a specific bill number, and even when there is not a specific bill, it is important to thank lawmakers for being good stewards of issues that are important to you. In this example, Nat also shows the actual lands that this lawmaker helped to protect in his own district, which can make an impact.
Asking action from an entire chamber or committee: You can do more than just ask your own legislator to take a stand, you can also ask for the full Senate, full House, or specific committee to take an action on a bill. In this example (not a current bill), Joey mentions where he lives, the bill number, who the sponsor is, why he cares about it, and is asking for all Senators to co-sponsor a bill.
Citizen Lobbying Basics
and Tools
The slide decks and info below will give you an overview of how the General Assembly works, and how you can effectively engage during the 2024 session You can also find the link to the slide deck on Grassroots Lobbying 101.
List of Lawmakers by District- with information about issues in their district
Backgrounder: Declining Transparency in the Legislative Process
Issue Resources from the KCC Legislative Summit and for the General Assembly
Below are downloadable fact sheets and briefs that detail issues related to bills during the 2025 session. or related to issues that state government is working on.
We are glad to assist any groups or individuals on presentations or training related to these issues.
Legislative Summit 2025 Background Materials (more coming soon)
Land Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Materials:
Other Issue Briefs/Fact Sheets: