State Legislature 2025
2025 Legislative Session
The 2025 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly is scheduled to begin on Jan. 7th, 2025 and will last 30 legislative days with final adjournment presently scheduled for March 28th, 2025..
The first part of the session will focus on organizational work, such as electing legislative leaders, adopting rules of procedure and organizing committees. The introduction and consideration of legislation can also begin during this time.. Schedule here.
About the Kentucky State Legislature
The Kentucky General Assembly, also called the Kentucky Legislature, is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Kentucky. It comprises the Kentucky Senate and the Kentucky House of Representatives.
The General Assembly meets annually in the state capitol building in Frankfort, Kentucky, convening on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January. In even-numbered years, sessions may not last more than 60 legislative days, and cannot extend beyond April 15. In odd-numbered years, sessions may not last more than 30 legislative days, and cannot extend beyond March 30. Special sessions may be called by the Governor of Kentucky at any time for any duration. The Interim committee meetings run from June through December.
How to Contact Your Legislators
The Legislative Research Commission mans a website that provides resources for the public. To find your legislator, you can search by interactive map on this LRC link.
If you would like to call and leave a message for your legislator, please call the Legislative Message Line at 1-800-372-7181. Staff will direct you to the appropriate contact.
Contact KCC for Assistance
One of the best ways you can talk to your legislator is to visit in their home office. KCC is glad to support any constituents who wish to set up a meeting with their legislators. Contact us at 502-209-9659 and we will be glad to help you prepare talking points on your issues of concern, and provide tips to help make your meeting productive.
More Resources:
House 2025
House Leadership for 2025:
David Osborne Speaker of the House
David Meade Speaker Pro Tempore
Steven Rudy Majority Floor Leader
Suzanne Miles Majority Caucus Chair
Jason Nemes Majority Whip
Pamela Stevenson Minority Floor Leader
Lindsey Burke Minority Whip
Al Gentry Minority Caucus Chair
House Standing Committee Leaders for 2025:
Agriculture: Myron Dossett (Chair) and Dan Fister (Vice Chair)
Approp. & Revenue: Jason Petrie (Chair) and Adam Bowling (Vice-Chair)
Banking & Insurance: Michael Meredith (Chair), Matt Lockett (Vice), Michael Sarge Pollock (Vice)
Committee on Committees: David Osborne (Chair), David Meade (Vice)
Econ. Development & Workforce Investment: Josh Branscum (Chair). Thomas Huff (Vice)
Elections, Constitutional Amendments & Intergov. Affairs: DJ Johnson (Chair), John Hodgson (Vice)
Enrollment: Thomas Huff (Chair)
Families and Children: Samara Heavrin (Chair), Nick Wilson (Vice)
Health Services: Kim Poore Moser (Chair), Robert Duvall (Vice)
Judiciary: Daniel Elliott (Chair), Jennifer Decker (Vice)
Licensing, Occupations & Admin. Regs: Matt Koch (Chair), Tom Smith (Vice Chair)
Local Government: Patrick Flannery (Chair), Amy Neighbors (Vice)
Natural Resources & Energy: Jim Gooch (Chair), Jared Bauman (Vice), Richard White (Vice)
Postsecondary Education: James Tipton (Chair), Shane Baker (Vice)
Primary and Secondary Education: Scott Lewis (Chair), Mike Clines (Vice)
Rules: David Osborne (Chair), David Meade (Vice)
Small Business & Info. Tech: Deanna Frazier Gordon (Chair), William Lawrence (Vice)
State Government: David Hale (Chair), Rebecca Raymer (Vice)
Tourism & Outdoor Recreation: Kim King (Chair), Susan Witten (Vice)
Transportation: John Blanton (Chair), Mary Beth Imes (Vice)
Vet., Military Affairs & Pub. Protection: Bobby McCool (Chair), Steve Bratcher (Vice) Bill Wesley (Vice)
(*) Indicates Freshman 2025
District 1: (R) Steven Rudy
District 2: (R) Kimberly Holloway *
District 3: (R) Randy Bridges
District 4: (R) D. Wade Williams
District 5: (R) Mary Imes
District 6: (R) Chris Freeland
District 7: (R) Suzanne Miles
District 8: (R) Walker Thomas
District 9: (R) Myron Dossett
District 10: (R) Josh Calloway
District 11: (R) J.T. Payne *
District 12: (R) Jim Gooch
District 13: (R) D.J. Johnson
District 14: (R) Scott Lewis
District 15: (R) Rebecca Raymer
District 16: (R) Jason Petrie
District 17: (R) Robert Duvall
District 18: (R) Samara Heavrin
District 19: (R) Michael Meredith
District 20: (R) Kevin Jackson
District 21: (R) Amy Neighbors
District 22: (R) Shawn McPherson
District 23: (R) Steve Riley
District 24: (R) Ryan Bivens *
District 25: (R) Steve Bratcher
District 26: (R) Payton Griffee
District 27: (R) Nancy Tate
District 28: (R) Jared Bauman
District 29: (R) Chris Lewis *
District 30: (D) Daniel Grossberg
District 31: (R) Susan Tyler Whitten
District 32: (D) Tina Bojanowski
District 33: (R) Jason Nemes
District 34: (D) Sarah Stalker
District 35: (D) Lisa Willner
District 36: (R) John Hodgson
District 37: (R) Emily Callaway
District 38: (D) Rachel Roarx
District 39: (R) Matt Lockett
District 40: (D) Nima Kulkarni
District 41: (D) Mary Lou. Marzian *
District 42: (D) Joshua Watkins *
District 43: (D) Pamela Stevenson
District 44: (D) Beverly Chester-Burton
District 45: (R) Adam Moore *
District 46: (D) Alan Gentry
District 47: (R) Felicia Rabourn
District 48: (R) Ken Fleming
District 49: (R) Thomas Huff
District 50: (R) Candy Massaroni
District 51: (R) Michael Pollock
District 52: (R) Ken Upchurch
District 53: (R) James A. Tipton
District 54: (R) Daniel Elliott
District 55: (R) Kim King
District 56: (R) Daniel Fister
District 57: (D) Erika Hancock *
District 58: (R) Jennifer Decker
District 59: (R) David Osborne
District 60: (R) Marianne Proctor
District 61: (R) Savannah Maddox
District 62: (R) Tony Hampton *
District 63: (R) Kimberly Banta
District 64: (R) Kimberly Poore Moser
District 65: (R) Stephanie Dietz
District 66: (R) T.J. Roberts *
District 67: (D) Matthew Lehman *
District 68: (R) Mike Clines
District 69: (R) Steve Doan
District 70: (R) William Lawrence
District 71: (R) Josh Bray
District 72: (R) Matthew Koch
District 73: (R) Ryan Dotson
District 74: (R) David Hale
District 75: (D) Lindsey Burke
District 76: (D) Anne Donworth *
District 77: (D) George Brown
District 78: (R) Mark Hart
District 79: (D) Chad Aull
District 80: (R) David Meade
District 81: (R) Deanna Frazier Gordon
District 82: (R) Nick Wilson
District 83: (R) Joshua Branscum
District 84: (R) Chris Fugate
District 85: (R) Shane Baker
District 86: (R) Tom O’Dell Smith
District 87: (R) Adam Bowling
District 88: (R) Vanessa Grossl *
District 89: (R) Timmy Truett
District 90: (R) Derek Lewis
District 91 : (R) Bill Wesley
District 92: (R) John Blanton
District 93: (D) Adrielle Camuel
District 94: (R) Mitchum Whitaker *
District 95: (D) Ashley Tackett Laferty
District 96: (R) Patrick Flannery
District 97: (R) Bobby McCool
District 98: (R) Aaron Thompson *
District 99: (R) Richard White
District 100: (R) Scott Sharp
Senate 2025
Senate Leadership for 2025:
Robert Stivers Senate President
David Givens President Pro Tempore
Max Wise Majority Floor Leader
Robby Mills Majority Caucus Chair
Mike Wilson Majority Whip
Gerald Neal Minority Floor Leader
David Yates Minority Whip
Reggie Thomas Minority Caucus Chair
Senate Standing Committee Leaders for 2025:
Agriculture: Jason Howell (Chair)
Gary Boswell (Vice)Appropriations & Revenue: Chris McDaniel (Chair). Amanda Mays Bledsoe (Vice)
Banking & Insurance: Jared Carpenter (Chair) Rick Girdler (Vice)
Committee on Committees: Robert Stivers (Chair)
Economic Development, Tourism and Labor: Phil Wheeler (Chair), Shelley Funke Frommeyer (Vice)
Education: Steve West (Chair), Lindsey Tichenor (Vice)
Enrollment: Matt Nunn (Chair)
Families and Children: Danny Carroll (Chair). Amanda Mays Bledsoe (Vice-Chair)
Health Services: Stephen Meredith (Chair), Craig Richardson (Vice)
Judiciary: Brandon Storm (Chair), Phil Wheeler (Vice)
Licensing and Occupations: Julie Raque Adams (Chair), Jason Howell (Vice)
Natural Resources & Energy: Brandon Smith (Chair), Gex Williams (Vice)
Rules: Robert Stivers (Chair)
State and Local Government: Michael Nemes (Chair) , Greg Elkins (Vice)
Transportation: Jimmy Higdon (Chair), Donald Douglas (Vice)
Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee: Matthew Deneen (Chair), Aaron Reed (Vice)
(*) Indicates Freshman 2025
District 1: (R) Jason Howell
District 2: (R) Danny Carroll
District 3: (R) Craig Richardson *
District 4: (R) Robby Mills
District 5: (R) Stephen Meredith
District 6: (R) Lindsey Tichenor
District 7: (R) Aaron Reed *
District 8: (R) Gary Boswell
District 9: (R) David P. Givens
District 10: (R) Matthew Deneen
District 11: (R) Steve Rawlings *
District 12: (R) Amanda Bledsoe
District 13: (D) Reginald Thomas
District 14: (R) Jimmy Higdon
District 15: (R) Rick Girdler
District 16: (R) Max Wise
District 17: (R) Matt Nunn *
District 18: (D) Robin L. Webb
District 19: (D) Cassie Chambers Armstrong
District 20: (R) Gex Williams
District 21: (R) Brandon Storm
District 22: (R) Donald Douglas
District 23: (R) Christian McDaniel
District 24: (R) Shelley Frommeyer
District 25: (R) Robert Stivers II
District 26: (D) Karen Berg
District 27: (R) Stephen West
District 28: (R) Greg Elkins
District 29: (I) Scott Madon*
District 30: (R) Brandon Smith
District 31: (R) Phillip Wheeler
District 32: (R) Mike Wilson
District 33: (D) Gerald A. Neal
District 34: (R) Jared Carpenter
District 35: (D) Keturah Herron *
District 36: (R) Julie Raque Adams
District 37: (D) David Yates
District 38: (R) Michael J. Nemes