In the Governor’s Hands

How to Contact the Governor here

KCC’s List of Priority Bills on the Governor’s Desk here

How to Contact Your Legislators here

Lawmakers worked far into the evening on Friday March 14th— the last day before the Governor’s Veto period, for their final actions on bills before the Governor’s veto period. The Governor may sign a bill, permit it to become law without signature, or veto it.

  • The Governor has 10 days (excluding Sundays) to act on a bill after it is received.

  • Lawmakers will return on March 27th and 28th for their final two days of the General Assembly, where they can choose to override or sustain any of the Governor’s actions. They can also continue work on other remaining bills.

  • The bill may be passed over the Governor's veto by a majority of the members of both houses.

VETO to Protect Kentucky’s Waterways

Our priority bill for action continues to be Senate Bill 89, which will fundamentally weaken the protection of Kentucky’s waterways. The bill is presently on the Governor’s desk. Ask the Governor to “VETO SB89” And then once he does, ask members of the House and Senate to “sustain the veto.”

This bill is the most significant environmental bill of the session. The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet has also raised significant concerns about this legislation and its potential impact on our waterways, saying it "applies a machete to an issue that needs a scalpel, at a cost to Kentuckians."

We want to particularly highlight those in Eastern Kentucky who will be impacted by this bill, in regions that have already been dealing with significant damage from two major flooding events and longstanding issues related to water contamination and water infrastructure. On March 14th, Martin County resident Nina McCoy, one of our friends with Martin County Concerned Citizens, provided an op-ed in the Lexington Herald-Leader where she asked the question: “Why would so many of our elected officials support polluting Kentucky’s Waters?”

“…Ask any middle school student if pollution from the ground can affect the creeks and rivers and they can point to a picture of the water cycle on the wall of their science class that shows that “run-off water” is a big part of what ends up in our navigable waterways…

…Check out the plastic bags, bottle, and diapers hanging from the branches along rural creeks after the waters recede from a normal spring high water event and then decide how much free rein you want to give the private land-owner…

…Ask the people who live in Love Canal if they think it is important to let industry decide what they do on their land….

It is mind-boggling that 30 out of 39 of our Kentucky senators and 69 of our 95 representatives approved this legislation that might provide short term gains for a few but could destroy life-sustaining waterways for decades or centuries to come…”

This bill puts our drinking water and natural resources at risk, increasing treatment costs for city and county water systems and the costs of pollution controls for permitted industries downstream. There have been many coalition efforts and detailed articles outlining the impacts of this bill. We particularly want to thank the following organizations who have been working in coordination with the Kentucky Conservation Committee to stop this bill: Kentucky Waterways Alliance, Kentucky Resources Council and Kentucky Sierra Club. We also want to acknowledge that there are many additional allies who have been contributing to this effort and protect Kentucky’s waterways.

Now the rest is in the Governor’s hands, and yours. Ask the Governor to veto this legislation. And then we urge you to make a personal ask of your House and Senate members to do the right thing on this bad water bill and sustain that veto when it comes. And then check out KCC’s running priority list of bills on the Governor’s desk for action.

Other Late Legislative Actions:

In the final hours before handing over bills to the Governor, lawmakers made many significant amendments and substitute language to some bills, in many cases bills that were “shell” or “placeholder” bills that previously had no significant language attached. This particularly applied to House Bills 775 and HB25, which became “catch all” legislation for various bills that had not progressed otherwise. (Lawmakers had begun to refer to these as “Christmas Tree” bills). House bill 775 in particular, grew from a 4-page bill to nearly 150 pages with little time for the public to follow the changes. We are most concerned with the provisions in this bill that could have a significant impact on the future of the Red River Gorge. Read more here. The bill was delivered to the Governor on 3/14 and we are urging you to ask the Governor to veto this bill.

Another last-minute committee substitute in House Bill 321, would limit who can appeal a final action concerning planning and zoning to those that own real property contiguous to a property whose status would be changed as a result of the final action. This provision will interfere with who qualifies to appeal planning and zoning decisions.

Other Bills of Note on the Governor’s Desk:

House Bill 137 (KCC Strong Oppose). Prevents the use of citizen-based data and evidence in bringing complaints and enforcing laws related to air quality. Delivered to the Governor on 3/12.

House Bill 321 (KCC Oppose) Limits who can appeal a final action concerning planning and zoning to those that own real property contiguous to a property whose status would be changed as a result of the final action. This provision will interfere with who qualifies to appeal planning and zoning decisions. Delivered to the Governor on 3/14.

House Bill 775 (KCC Oppose) A multi-issue bill where among its provisions, includes incentives that support future resort development adjacent to the Red River Gorge, creates statewide tax breaks for data centers, makes it easier for lawmakers to reduce the personal income tax in the future, .and also includes statements of support for “alternative" fuels including ethanol, soybean-derived biodiesel and other fuels. More here. Delivered to the Governor on 3/14.

House Bill 399 (KCC Oppose) Creates the crime of interference with a legislative proceeding. Delivered to the Governor on 3/13.

Senate Bill 179 (KCC Oppose) Establishes the Nuclear Energy Development Grant Program to be administered by the Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority. Delivered to the Governor on 3/14.

KCC’s Running Veto List Here.


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