Kentucky Conservation Committee

Your environmental voice in state government since 1975
…Because the Earth Needs a Friend in Frankfort…

We support citizens and organizations to actively engage with their government and its environmental policies

The Kentucky Conservation Committee is one of the longest-running state-based conservation nonprofits, with a focus on providing a trusted voice in Kentucky’s Capitol and beyond. We effectively advocate for protection, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources for the equitable benefit of all citizens in our Commonwealth.

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Our Organization:

KCC was formed in 1975, to provide a collaborative space for citizens and organizations to come together over shared goals on critical conservation policy issues, and make change happen.

Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.


Action Through Effective Citizen Advocacy

Ready to take the next step? KCC provides resources, training, and issue information to make you a more effective citizen advocate for Kentucky and the planet.